I went for a walk today. I haven’t walked since spring when I wanted to get back into the habit of walking to lose weight. I walked everyday for over a year and lost thirty pounds. With going to school and working almost full time, I really do not have a lot of time and the free time I do have, I would rather spend with friends or sleep. So walking has taken a backseat to life right now. I am in a rut however and need something to pull me out of it. I believe that walking will do this for me. It allows me to be creative by creating new playlists to walk to and it allows my imagination to take in the scenery around me and create short stories, imagine images and maybe think of crafty things to do. I feel much better today than I have in a few weeks. I am tired and I don’t think my hair looks great but my spirit has been poked at and I think that is what it needed. I am going to do my very best to walk three times a week and to actually not be lazy and let my need for sleep or sad thoughts ruin this awesome idea. The sunshine doesn’t hurt either. Vitamin D is something everyone needs and just sitting in it is sometimes enough but most of the time it is better to get out and breath it in :)
Throwing off my routine scares me which is why walking three times a week frightens me a bit. I have grown accustomed to sitting around three mornings a week and having some “me” time. That however has backfired on me and led me and held me in this rut. - long story for no other day. :)
This change though will do me good. I will get the sunshine I need, the exercise my body needs and the fresh air that will help me sleep at night.
Megan :D