Wednesday, October 23, 2013


“Try not to take things other people say about you too personally.  
What they think and say is a reflection of them, not you” 
This is something that everyone should remember everyday - for themselves and for others.  Friends can think that they are being truthful or helpful, yet they do not always think about what comes out of their mouth and how it will affect the person they are speaking to.  I know that I have said some really unkind or malicious things to others over the course of my life.  Sometimes it has been on purpose and others it has not been.  
When someone offends you, tell them.  It might take you a day or a week to realize what their meaning was but do not hold back and let them know.  If they are a true friend, they will apologize for it because they did not realize how it hurt you.  If they are not a true friend they will be defensive and defend what they said. This tells you that they are not a true friend and it is time to let them go.  
Our worlds are so busy and full that to take time for someone who is not a true friend and how does not know how to be a real friend is really a waste of time.  
I dislike change and removing negative people from my life is difficult for me.  However, I KNOW that in the end, I will be so much better off without them.  I need to start telling the negative people to get out of my life.  This is super hard for me.  I tend to shut down and stop talking to them....that does neither of us any good.  We all want to believe that we are always our best, that is never the case.  I have been called out for being a substandard friend more times than I care to admit.  If I had not been called out of it, I could not be the friend to others that I am today.
Who’s making you feel bad about yourself?  How could you let them know that without being a substandard friend?

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