Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Yesterday I went to the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee to discuss my course of action to attend their post baccalaureate program for getting my teaching certification.  I was very early and walked around the block of the building where the education department is.  I like the neighborhood.  Two blocks east of the campus are single family homes and they are on quiet streets.  Similar to Evanston, IL where my sister used to live.  
I signed in for my appointment and the advisor was awesome.  Then she started to outline my course schedule for fall and winter and spring..... I have to take eight (!!!!!) general education classes to be admitted to this program.  Economics, psychology, a First Nations course and several others because these course I took and passed at NWTC do not transfer into UWM.  
At first I was in shock.  Then I got upset and wanted to cry and scream. (I JUST WANT TO TEACH KIDS WHO NEED IT.)  I have done these!! I was expecting to take classes this fall, but I was not expecting a full load of five classes.  Then I need to take one class over winter interim.  Five more - finally for education! - in spring.  Two or maybe three over summer.  Then FINALLY I will be fully in the education program I want for fall of 2015 and only have two semesters left.  This process is frustrating to me and it feels like I am being held up on the way to my goal of teaching.   
So after I had dinner (At Ally’s Bistro - it was FANTASTIC!) and was driving home, I prayed and talked it out with God and this is his plan for me.  I am now looking forward to taking these easy classes this fall and taking on this task he has set in my path.  This is what he needs me to do to make a change in the world on this journey I have embarked upon. 
Today, I am at peace with the fact that in a little more than six months, my world will be turned upside down.  I will have taken another full class load at another university, I will be moving to a new city that I am unfamiliar with and just turning the page in the book of my life.  
Still, I am afraid of leaving my comfort zone....... but as my very close loved ones know, it is what I am called to do. :)