Acceptance from others is something I have struggled with my whole life. I want to be smart enough, tall enough, pretty enough, bold enough, enough of whatever they want me to be. With some people in my life it has been a lifelong process. It has taken me almost forty years to figure out that I do not need their acceptance. I need to accept myself as I am. God created me uniquely and if that is not enough for another person than that person is just a written line in my story, and I should not try to make it a chapter, because they will only hold me back. My journey needs to be about how I fulfill the purpose God created in me.
This morning I woke up sobbing because I have not given this need to God. I realized that some people will just not accept me for who I am, where I am in my journey. By not handing it to God, I was still holding on to hope that one day I would be enough for these people. I am ready to give it to God and move forward to serve my purpose.
I am enough. I am beautiful - inside and outside. I am smart. I can face the challenges that are laid out for me in the journey of my life written specifically by God.
Mandy Hale, who has been an inspiration for me as of late, posted this on Instagram the other day, “Forgive me for picking up what I’ve already laid down at your feet.” This is so true. How often do we ask God to take our struggle and then we continue to struggle with it here? I do not plan on picking this struggle up again. I will always have good and bad days about my looks, but I know that God created me and in his eyes I am gorgeous!
Have a terrific day!
Megan :)