Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th, 2012
So I have one final left.  Thank goodness, cause I am in need of no school for a while... three months to be exact. ;)  So with that, I asked my boss if I could work full time during the summer months and he says I can so.... I will be working six days a week.  Wednesday through Monday.  Looks like Tuesdays will be my relax and catch up day.  
I have been getting people to try the Kumbocha I make, and they like it and want to make their own, and that is very cool.  I know that my friend, Binky, will be super excited to hear that. (and the fact that I used the name she is known by)
I house sat for friends who went to Florida.  They have a horse, a goat, barn cats, two inside cats and two dogs.  It was interesting.  I haven’t ever gotten to know a horse and Billy (the horse) is thirty-four and has no teeth so I knew he wouldn’t bite me.  Libby the goat though was not happy with my presence.  It made me realize that I am totally a city girl and I never want my own goat. 
In April, I attended a History Conference with a friend and it was so not what we thought it would be so we skipped out and went to the mall.  That was a lot of fun!  Didn’t buy anything but a day in Milwaukee would not be complete without a trip to the Apple Store and some shops.
I think though the scariest thing that has happened recently is that I really like this guy.  We talk on the phone almost every night and I really enjoy the conversation we have.  This scares me soooo much because to open up and share your stories with someone you like and someone you want to like you back is terrifying.  What happens if I tell a story that offends him or makes him think I am a freak?  Like me wanting to make my own laundry detergent and maybe toothpaste... what if he gets weirded out by that?  Or what if he sees all my scars and flaws and decides I am just not enough for him?  So relationships SCARE the heck out of me.  Cause a lot of the time, I say silly things, act like a fool and do things that everyday American’s don’t do.  Like go back to school at thirty-six with the intent to change my whole career by forty.  But isn’t this what life is about?  Chasing your dreams and meeting people and believing that everything happens for a reason and having hope that things are going to be great?  That’s where I want to be though. :)  So that’s where I am headed.  :)
Have an awesome day :) Megan

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 8th, 2012

I have been busy with homework.... let me tell you I am afraid to write essays or papers because so much has changed since I was in high school.  I have had to write 3 so far this semester and I have at least 2 more.  Citing my source.... What?  Do these professors not know that there was no internet when I was in high school?  And with my job, I have been taught to keep things short and sweet so 10 page paper.... that takes me forever ;)  
I went to the movie premier of The Hunger Games.  Yes the MIDNIGHT premier.  on a school night.  I have never been to a midnight movie.  EVER.  I like to go to bed at a decent hour and I don’t like to be short on sleep.  My friend Tracy read all of the books and none of her friends nor her sister could go with her, so I decided to go.  I have not read the books and I still haven’t decided if I am going to.  Yes I understand that the people of the districts don’t really want to send their kids to be killed and that the government forces them to.... still I struggle with the whole concept.  As another friend stated the books are based on a “reality” type show which is popular these days so it is just giving the public more of what they lie.  The movie was very good though.  I cried, sat on the end of my seat and felt my heart break.  It was very powerful.  So I may go with Tracy to the next premier as well....
I bought a new car too.  I was really attached to my old car.  It was my dream car.  1998 Volvo Cross Country station wagon.  When the car first came out, the commercial had a couple rescuing a sea turtle and I thought that was awesome.  It had all the bells and whistles too for 1998.  I really just wanted to drive a few cars and see what I liked most and which would be the best for driving my daughter back and forth to college this fall.  Well ... I fell in love with a 2007 Mercury Milan.  I have never liked sedans (I think they are ugly and lack character), but this one rides so well and it looks cool.  No moonroof or heated leather seats, so I did downgrade a little but it was a great deal and I knew I needed to take the great deal I got and go!  So far it has treated me very well.  
I have also been flirting with a guy.  (yes the one I gave my number to in my last post)  A lot.  I don’t know where it will lead.  And that is ok. 
I also had to kill a spider.  Ok, it was in the sink one morning and I just had to wash it down the drain...but even that freaks me out.  But I did it.  and I didn’t have to leave the bathroom for 20 minutes and pretend that I didn’t just kill it.  I stayed in the bathroom and did my hair.  
Take care and I will post again after finals :)  Megan

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4th 2012

March 4th 2012
It’s been a while, and I have become stuck in a rut.  The routine of school and work had become uneventful and slightly unremarkable.  I am sure that each day that at some point, I either open my mouth or don’t open my mouth and make comments on life that I should or shouldn’t say.  I know that I also waste time on websites like Pinterest or Apple or Facebook or iTunes that are really unproductive and that scares me.  I have so much to do and if I focused even just a little more on things like homework or friendships, I would blossom so much more.  So I don’t have details for each day... :(
Today I tried something new, I threw clay at Clay on Steele in Algoma and made two pots.  It was a lot of fun!  I went with my friend Michelle and some college girls that she knows and her two daughters.  I will post pictures when I get my pots back.
I also went out with some friends last night.  I worked until nine and met my friend out - it was her last day of work because she is going to stay at home with her three girls - I am so happy for her.  Anyway, I was the designated driver when I arrived and we stayed out until ONE AM..... I haven’t done that in .... years.  It was a great night and I don’t want to do that again for about a year.  I like my sleep too much ;)  
Oh yes, I declared my major and minor at school - History Major, Mathematics and Humanistic Studies (which will switch to Education - don’t ask it’s a silly college thing) Minors.  Doing this I believe that I have about three years left in school.  I have a lot of classes to take to fulfill these requirements.  It’s exciting and scary at the same time.
I mentioned a blog or two ago that I gave my number to a guy - he hasn’t called or texted and I don’t think that he will.  So as scary as it is and as much as I am slightly disappointed, I am still happy that I did give it to him.  A friend said that maybe he is scared too and that helped me put it into perspective.  I am not always the only scared one in the world. 
Thanks for reading, and I hope that I can become better at keeping track of my scary things so this isn’t a waste of your time :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012
Wow! another two weeks have flown by!  And I am sure I am doing things every day that are out of my comfort zone but with school and work and the small amount of free time I have, I haven’t recorded them all.  
I did give a gentleman my phone number, I don’t expect him to call.  (and that is because if he does, I will be super impressed and it will have exceeded my expectations).  
I did declare my major at school too.  I am officially a History Major with a Math Minor. :)  Education for high school (secondary education) is a Minor as well so my plate just got filled up.  
This weekend at work I learned a lot.  We are going through a system change and converting our entire system to a web based program.  It has been and will continue to be an immense task.  It takes longer to do things and the system is not as easy to maneuver in.  With that said, I ask lots of questions of our dispatch and operations groups and continue to learn and share my learnings.  I also learned how to do tracking for a specific account tonight and will expand my customer base knowledge.  :)
One last thing that sticks out to me.... not a good one but something that needed to be done.  There has been this guy (no he is NOT a gentleman) who I have liked for a long time - two years.  He drifts in and out of my life on his time and expects me to just be thrilled that he took the time to talk to me.  Well, I have told him many times over the last two years that this is not what I want and that if he wants to be a part of my life, he needs to be a part of my life.  I blocked his text messages a while back, and just last week I blocked him on instant chat at work.  Today, I received a work related call from him and he got mad at me because I was all business and wasn’t thrilled to talk to him.  I am glad that I was that way because I am too busy to deal with his drama.  I am proud of myself for sticking my ground and not giving in to him.  It’s a hard thing to be unkind to someone, especially someone you like, but it needs to be done sometimes.  He tells me he misses me, but he CHOOSES to miss me so he will.  I don’t miss him anymore because I know that there is someone else out there who will make time for me :)  - maybe the gentleman I gave my number too.....
Have a great couple of weeks!  Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29th 2012

January 29th 2012
Ok so the last two weeks have also been very boring.... however, my classes have started and that in itself scares me daily.  I have to meet new people and talk to people I don’t know... it is one thing of life I am not comfortable with.  And I have learned quickly that most college-aged men, don’t want to start conversation the first or second week of classes.  So when my professors say, “Talk to your neighbor about this....” and on either side of me are men... there is no small group discussion.  So needless to say, I need to work on that.
I did try more new foods.  I know.  This isn’t going to be a blog about food, but I grew up in a meat and potatoes home and then married a man who liked spicy and the spicer the better.  Now being back at mom and dads, my taste (yes the pun is purposeful) for adventure in the food department has been non existent.  
I made this wonderful Snickerdoodle bread with Cinnamon chips.  FANTASTIC.  I have a friend at work who makes Snickerdoodle cookies all the time.  I saw this recipe, thought of her and made if for her return from Mexico.
I also made Artichoke Hummus.  I have come to like hummus as a spread on bread.  It makes a very good sandwich. 
With school starting, I didn’t have a lot of time to do more crafts, but I did make another canvas of another of my daughter’s senior pictures.  :)  I think this is addicting and someday will have a wall of canvas’s. ;) (lol)
Oh yes the best part of my last two weeks... I surprised a very good friend Tammy and attended her son’s last home swim meet.  I haven’t seen either of them for quite a while and knew that the swim season was coming to an end.  My friend Tammy likes to plan way more than I do and so surprising her was a bit unnerving to me.  She was so happy to see me and we had dinner together after.  We are going to a movie on Monday together for some quality time.
One thing that I have been thinking about but haven’t done because it scares me a lot, is to ask this guy I know for a drink or something.  Everyone dislikes being rejected and I find that I lose a small bit of confidence each time I am rejected.  So maybe later this year......
Hopefully next writing I have more exciting things.  Like killing a spider (a big one not one of those wimpy little things) or something more exciting than trying a new food.
Take care and thanks for reading - Have an amazing week! (or two!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January16th 2012

Ok, this week was slightly unimaginative.  It was more about trying things that I haven’t tried before or things I am not comfortable with.
I made Banana Bread with Nutella - which was amazing :).  So much so that I made a second loaf this week.  I made a loaf for myself and one for my friend Beth who has three girls who don’t eat bananas.  The loaf I gave them was gone in two days! 
My daughter is a senior in high school this year and she had her senior pictures taken in October.  I only ordered four pictures, but I really like the ones that I did order.  I have been wanting to create a picture canvas for a while....and so I took the 8 x 10 that I ordered and did!!!  I turned out to be easier than I thought and it looks exceptional.  I have never used Mod Podge before and I was nervous about totally wrecking the picture and making a big mess.  (see above picture)  :)
I love to listen to my iPod while walking through the halls of UWGB, but I dislike the tangled earbuds.  I found a website blog that wrapped the earbuds in yarn with a crochet stitch.  I have never crocheted so this was an interesting project.  It looks OK, I would do it again but the real tell will happen when I take them to school and try them out.
I also started using the weight machines at work after my shift.  The gym in the basement has about twelve weight machines and I like to use four of them - for my arms.  The first night was easy because there wasn’t anyone else down there.  The second night (which is at nine pm) there were three other people down there!  Working out with others is not my favorite thing.... even though I am there to get in shape.... I still feel judged.  I did use the machines though and went back a third night too!  Can’t wait to get my arms in shape.
A friend’s birthday was on Friday the 13th and she was having a party at The Sardine Can - a local bar.  She would be the only person I would know there.  Walking into a bar by myself when I only know one person is a big deal to me.  I do not like bars usually to begin with and when I have to go alone....well it scares me.  I have been very good at talking myself out of going to events that are at bars.  It just isn’t my setting.  I told my friend about my challenge for this year and she was very excited to be a part of it.  No one from my work team was going to be there, they were all going home so I went alone.  I walked through the crowded bar alone and found my friend’s party.  She was happy to see me.  I had one drink and then went home.  I was uncomfortable the whole time, but stayed about thirty minutes.  I was glad I went, but it also reminded me that sometimes it’s OK to let things scare you.  I really do not like crowded places and adding intoxicated people just makes my responsible core shudder. 
Next week doesn’t look to be super exciting....but who knows... I do start school again and that always brings big changes!

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 8th, 2012

January 8, 2012
This week was full of food things, and yet some days were just normal.
I made guacamole hummus - hummus has never been my favorite food item, the word “chickpea” is silly to me.  When I waitressed I had to put “garbonzo beans” on the salad bar and I thought they were yucky.  Recently, I have found a passion for all things avocado, mostly though guacamole.  So when I saw this recipe on Pinterest, I knew I had to try it.  I love it!!!!  I shared it with my friends, Michelle and Beth (and little Gracie), and they both enjoyed it as well.  It will make great lunches when school starts again.  
I also started my own Kombucha.  My friend Michelle has been doing this for about 2 years and she has been after me to drink it more.  I am “scared” of Kombucha - or booch - because of the floaty, bacteria things that it contains.  I cannot drink a bottle of it straight up.  I need to have it strained.  I like it, I know its good for me and I know that I need the floaty, bacteria things - I just have a hard time with the bacteria.  So I have a batch brewing in the basement now.  :)  It should be done Monday or Tuesday.  
I also had to ask my parents if it was ok to brew Kombucha at home .... rather, their house.  My parents are somewhat selective as to what I am allowed to make or do in their kitchen.  Asking them to let me brew Kombucha was “scary” in itself.  After I had thought it through and figured out where a good place to keep it was, I had more confidence and obviously it is ok because I have a batch brewing.
I also bought yarn for a project with my earbuds.  I am going to do that next week. More to come on that one.
I also bought the supplies I need to create a canvas of my daughters senior picture.  My one small Modge Podge project is incased in glass so....this will be interesting.  The first part of the project is sitting now.... I don’t like to ruin pictures which is why this is “scary” to me.
So not everyday will I be conquering spiders or large messes.  Each day will bring small differences or changes that I will have to be optimistic about and learn to adjust.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012

As the New Year was approaching, I was trying to figure out what kind of resolutions I should make.  You know, work out more, eat better, spend quality time with the family, and save more money.  Well, as in years past, I thought those were very trivial and usually by the end of January they have been forgotten and no completed.
I thought about creating a list and making sure I posted it somewhere so I could see it everyday and that would help me accomplice the resolutions.  
Then as I was trying to fall asleep last night I realized what I needed to do.  I need a motto to live by.  Since change and courage have been my motto for the last three years unofficially, I thought this would be good:
“Do one thing that scares you every day”  Eleanor Roosevelt
and this too:
“What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail”  unknown
They have a similar meaning and theme.  So as I got to thinking hard about this at, oh about three am, I am skeptical that I can do one thing each day that scares me so I thought if I could keep track and hit, say, two hundred and seventy five things, it would be a good year.
Things like kill a spider, coast on my bike down a big hill, run during a walk, tell someone that you want to spend more time with them, tell a friend that they haven’t been a friend in a while, reach out and tell someone I don’t know that it will be better, offer to do a presentation at work or school.  There are plenty of possibilities.
Starting a blog is one.  So today I did accomplish one thing :)  My goal is to write down my “scary” things and post them weekly or every other week.  Blogging scares me because there are so many out there and who cares what I think anyway?  I am just an almost middle aged college student with a daughter who will go to college this fall who has changed her whole life in the last three years.  Really, why would someone want to know what scares you and how you accomplished something every day or every other day?  
So I hope that this can be at least funny for some and meaningful to others.  If I end up inspiring you to accomplish “scary” things or attempt things that you would not normally attempt, great!  :)
Happy 2012   Megan