Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4th 2012

March 4th 2012
It’s been a while, and I have become stuck in a rut.  The routine of school and work had become uneventful and slightly unremarkable.  I am sure that each day that at some point, I either open my mouth or don’t open my mouth and make comments on life that I should or shouldn’t say.  I know that I also waste time on websites like Pinterest or Apple or Facebook or iTunes that are really unproductive and that scares me.  I have so much to do and if I focused even just a little more on things like homework or friendships, I would blossom so much more.  So I don’t have details for each day... :(
Today I tried something new, I threw clay at Clay on Steele in Algoma and made two pots.  It was a lot of fun!  I went with my friend Michelle and some college girls that she knows and her two daughters.  I will post pictures when I get my pots back.
I also went out with some friends last night.  I worked until nine and met my friend out - it was her last day of work because she is going to stay at home with her three girls - I am so happy for her.  Anyway, I was the designated driver when I arrived and we stayed out until ONE AM..... I haven’t done that in .... years.  It was a great night and I don’t want to do that again for about a year.  I like my sleep too much ;)  
Oh yes, I declared my major and minor at school - History Major, Mathematics and Humanistic Studies (which will switch to Education - don’t ask it’s a silly college thing) Minors.  Doing this I believe that I have about three years left in school.  I have a lot of classes to take to fulfill these requirements.  It’s exciting and scary at the same time.
I mentioned a blog or two ago that I gave my number to a guy - he hasn’t called or texted and I don’t think that he will.  So as scary as it is and as much as I am slightly disappointed, I am still happy that I did give it to him.  A friend said that maybe he is scared too and that helped me put it into perspective.  I am not always the only scared one in the world. 
Thanks for reading, and I hope that I can become better at keeping track of my scary things so this isn’t a waste of your time :)